
Is it Too Cold for Your Car?

Winter weather can be tough for lots of people to handle. You might be dreaming about palm trees and beaches, but did you know your car might be, too? Your Buddy Steve’s Garage knows that sometimes winter is a little rough on your car.

The Battery Doesn’t Like Subzero Temps

Batteries really don’t like cold temperatures. In fact, your car’s battery may be so unhappy with the cold that it refuses to work. If your car’s battery is older, you might find that it’s having more and more trouble turning over your car’s engine on really cold days. Check the connections to make sure they’re free of corrosion and that they’re attached correctly. It might be time for a new battery if it’s been a while for yours.

Your Tires Might Lose Pressure

If your tires are a little older, they might start to get brittle when it’s cold out. But the bigger problem is that when temperatures drop, you lose tire pressure. Most drivers don’t notice this, but your car does. If you’ve got TPMS sensors, they might alert you to the fact that your tire’s pressure has changed. Adding air helps to protect the tire’s tread.

Oil Gets Thicker When It’s Cold

Lots of fluids get thicker when it’s cold out, but probably the most important one for your car is the oil. When it’s really cold out, your car’s oil is thick and has a tough time working its way through the engine like it’s supposed to. If you spend a lot of time somewhere that gets cold and stays cold, you may need to swap your oil before the really cold weather hits.

Gas Doesn’t Freeze, but Water Does

Gasoline has an incredibly low freezing temperature, but water doesn’t. That’s great news, until you realize that condensation and moisture can collect in your gas tank and in your fuel lines. In 32-degree Fahrenheit weather, that means that there can be little ice blockages in your fuel system. That can affect your gas mileage quite a bit.

Check Your Antifreeze

Antifreeze is your engine’s best protection from freezing up in super cold temperatures, but if it’s old it might not work as well as you expect it to work. It’s important to make sure you’ve got your antifreeze reservoir filled and that your antifreeze is as fresh as possible.

If you’re running into problems with your car due to cold weather, Your Buddy Steve’s Garage in Croydon, PA, can help. You can reach us at 267-214-2970 to set up an appointment.
